Sound Shuffler for Windows (v1.0) Sound Shuffler "Randomizes" sounds for Windows StartUp and Exit. If you're a person who gets sick of hearing the same sounds every time you start and leave windows, you'll like this program. --------------------------------- Installation Sound Shuffler consists of two separate programs: 1. Sound Shuffler Configuration Program 2. Sound Shuffler Sound Shuffler also requires VBRUN300.DLL 1. Sound Shuffler Configuration This program is used to pick out your ten favorite StartUp and Exit WAVs. Once you get your selected sounds set up, you probably won't need this program much (that is until you get sick of the 20 WAVs you picked and decide to change them). 2. Sound Shuffler This is the program that actually shuffles the sounds for Windows StartUp and Exit. Sound Shuffler does this by modifying your WIN.INI file. If you don't like the idea of a program messing with your WIN.INI file, this program probably isn't for you. For automatic Sound Shuffling, it's suggested that you put Sound Shuffler in your Windows StartUp Window. It only runs long enough to change the sounds in your WIN.INI file, so you don't have to worry about it constantly hogging memory (not that it uses that much in the first place). Registration ------------ Sound Shuffler was designed as Shareware. If you like it and plan on continued use, you should consider becoming a registered user. Registration is only seven dollars, which can be sent to the following address: Sound Shuffler c/o M. Boyers 5437 D Briardale Lane Dublin, OH 43017 E-mail: CompuServe: 70004,2641 Internet: